Greg Feis has retired from law practice, and this Law Office is no longer active. It has been Greg’s pleasure to serve this Law Office’s clients and to interact with colleagues over the past 21 years. Greg’s former office phone numbers and former feislegal email address are no longer being monitored (though if you have Greg’s personal mobile number ending in 2750, that number remains active).
For Former Clients; also For Attorneys: If you need to contact Greg for a follow-up question, to obtain files, for matters relating to official notices sent to Greg as legal counsel, for billing matters, for contact continuity, or for other logistical matters, please do not use Greg’s feislegal email address, as it will not be monitored. Instead, please email Greg at:
GregFeisRetired <at>
For Friends and Family: Please use the above GregFeisRetired email address as well.
Thank you.